
Mandalay Bay’s Shark Reef Aquarium

Mandalay Bay's Shark Reef Aquarium
The best $20 I spent in Las Vegas was at Mandalay Bay’s Shark Reef Aquarium. I’m going to be honest and admit to having asked a concierge employee where the Shark Reef Aquarium was at.
It’s inside the casino (duh!) but from where I was standing, after having climbed stairs, I couldn’t see any signs directing me to the aquarium and thus thought it’d be best to ask an employee. Concierge folks are usually nice, but this particular one (an Asian female, if you must know) was a bit uppity. Not really my cup of tea but she did give me decent enough directions to get to where I wanted to be at.

The walk from the concierge desk all the way to the aquarium was quite lengthy. And to make matters worse, there was some conference going on inside Mandalay Bay, not far from the aquarium. I kid you not when I say I was basically walking in a sea of pedestrian traffic. Not fun whatsoever.

Fortunately for me, though, the line to buy tickets to the aquarium was minimal.

The aquarium was spectacular. As mentioned earlier, it truly was the best $20 I spent in Vegas.

The moment I entered the aquarium, the ambiance changed and that was one of the things I liked most about this aquarium. It enabled me to be in another world while still being in Vegas.

Mandalay Bay's Shark Reef Aquarium

The first out of this world art/architecture I was greeted with inside the aquarium was what resembled ancient Khmer Buddhist art. I loved it because in general, I am an avid fan of Buddhist art. One puzzling question I had however was why the aquarium designers had chosen Khmer Buddhist art over Burmese Buddhist art. I pondered this because I felt that it would make more sense to utilize Burmese Buddhist art if Mandalay Bay is supposed to be based off of Myanmar. Hmm… 🤔 The second thing I noticed was how warm/humid the aquarium was. I certainly didn’t need to be wearing my warm winter clothing inside there. (FYI: Vegas in the winter is pretty cold.) But the warmth made sense since the reptiles living inside the aquarium probably needed to be in a tropical environment.

Talking about reptiles, I got the chance to see a Komodo dragon for the first time in my life. It was truly a sight. (I almost wasn’t able to get pictures of the poisonous reptile since a bunch of young men were hoarding the viewing area until it went into hiding. I’m glad I decided to stay for a while after it went into hiding as I got the opportunity to take a decent amount of photos (and videos) of it. 💕)
Komodo Dragon
I recommend Mandalay Bay’s Shark Reef Aquarium to all that visit Las Vegas. The aquarium is the perfect place to go to in order to “escape” the Vegas vibe and be relaxed in a soothing environment (nature). And for the third time, it’s one of the few attractions in Vegas that doesn’t leave you feeling ripped off.