Ponderings,  Travel

Pre-Travel Worries

I have a trip planned. Although the trip isn’t in two weeks or anything, the reality is that time will pass by fast and before I know it, the trip will literally be in a matter of a few days.

​As excited as I am for this trip, I can’t help but to harbor a few worries here and there.

​Let’s explore some of my so-called worries, shall we?

What did you say? 🗣

I’ll be going to a country where the main language of the country isn’t English. Supposedly, only some people in the capital speak English. As for the rest of the population, they basically don’t speak English even if they may have taken English as a student requirement before. Not really a biggie but to some extent that’s a biggie and I guess I’ll realize the effects of language barriers when I’m finally there. As scary as this may be, I feel as though this will be a good experience for me. (Note: It won’t be the first time I’m in a country where the bulk of its residents don’t speak English.)

I can’t eat that! 🐔

I’m a vegetarian and as a vegetarian, I can’t help but to be worried about what will show up in my food while there. Something I order might look vegetarian/vegan friendly but may actually not be so vegetarian friendly after all. For example, my order of vegetable soup might actually be a seafood vegetable soup where everything but the fish broth is vegetarian. It’s stuff like this that I’m afraid of.

To play it safe, I intend on shopping for groceries like the natives and make my meals instead. I feel that this will solve any potential dine out oopsies from occurring and may even be cheaper in the long run. One problem, though: I’m not that great of a cook…

Paper vs Plastic 💳

I’ve come across some stories about some visitors not being able to get money out of ATM machines with an exception to the ATM machines located inside airports. Let’s just say I don’t think anyone would want to keep paying the airport a visit just to withdraw money… It’s a chore and a major hassle, especially if you intend on traveling somewhere further away from the international airports. (Let’s just hope at least the ATM machines at airports, 7 Elevens and major places, like malls work. Regardless, I can not rely on hope and will have to make preparations just in case. Ugh!)

Just take me there already! 🛶

Transportation is a tricky thing there. For foreigners, there’s a deal and supposedly it’s a very good deal, however I find the deal to be rather expensive. Like, super expensive.

I initially was thinking about skipping out on this so-called deal simply because I’ve heard a decent amount of foreign visitors saying the deal isn’t worth it.

​My coworker on the other hand advised that it’s best to take advantage of this deal. As she’s originally from that country and still a citizen of that country, she shared how expensive transportation can be without the deal and how she would love to take advantage of the deal, except she’s not eligible to do so.

​After doing a bit of research on how much transportation can truly cost there, I realized my coworker wasn’t BS-ing (lol) and that it is indeed in my best interest to take advantage of this deal.

So, I guess that settles it. I’ll just be a bit upset if it turns out that the deal isn’t really that much of a deal…

Slithery things. 🐍

There are a lot of places I want to visit. Some of these places are breathtakingly beautiful. As much of a nature lover I am, I couldn’t help but to experience a bit of cold feet after learning that the country has a decent amount of poisonous snakes.

​I’m fine with the way snakes look and all, but if you’re poisonous, can we say no thank you? And it’s not just snakes I’m worried about; it’s also the mosquitos. (Mosquitos have a thing for me…) I also heard that the bugs in this country are big… No, just no.

I’m still going to visit the beautiful places I want to see but I’m going to skip out on the ones that are deep within the forest.

​I could do without saying hello to a snake that’s potentially poisonous, you know?

So not sexy. 👙

People say it’s a safe country overall and that’s quite reassuring to hear. However, I am also aware that harassment exists. In regards to this particular country, I’ve heard stories about females at risk of encountering a pervert while on a crowded train. Of course, the ugly reality is that a pervert can be anywhere, not just on a crowded train but I suppose a crowded train makes things easier for whoever the pervert is…

Not sure how true this is, but according to my friend/coworker, the harassment tends to occur more so on females in skirts or uniforms.

Well, I guess it’s obvious what I’ll not be wearing on the train.

So, where to? ✈️

I know I never mentioned which country I’ll be visiting, but based on my so-called worries, can you guess which country I’ll be visiting? (Guess correctly and you’ll win a pat on the back…lol)

Answer to be revealed in the future.