Food,  Ponderings

For To Go, please

Beansprouts and Thai Tea

I don’t know about you but I’m not too crazy about eating out.

The costs associated with eating out is one thing but worse than cost(s) is this pathetic societal expectation that one must never eat out alone.

Bullsh*t is all I can really say.

As of date, there are only two people I know who are comfortable with eating out alone. These two people are myself and a colleague of mine’s. Everyone else I know is super uncomfortable or sh*t scared to eat out alone and I get it. Well, sort of anyway. I get it because you’re expected to be with a friend, significant other, family member or just someone. What I don’t and won’t ever get though is that need to be with someone when one is hungry. With food being one of our core needs, I find it unnecessary for people to prioritize their hunger behind not looking like a loner.

Because guess what? Eating alone does not make you a loner.

I still remember the time I was in a pho joint as a high schooler. Everyone was dining with someone. Everyone save for one male customer, that is. I remember both my mom and I saying how it was great that he was here eating on his own. Neither my mom nor I found him to be a loner. In fact, I found him to be both confident and attractive, two traits stereotypically not associated with that of loners.

If I was able to find the man to be confident for eating alone, then why is it so hard for society to view lone eaters in the same light?

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen servers act different just because I’m there to eat alone. It’s like they all made unfounded judgments of me simply because I was alone. My worst experience would have to be from a KoreAm server (female), though as she was treating me like a suspicious person. (FYI: I had eaten a bit, gone to the bathroom, left one of my items to save my seat only to be told by my server that she thought I had left. TF. Rude as heck and I didn’t even stay in the restroom long as I had only gone in there to pee! It was obvious that she thought I would leave without paying. What a b*tch.)

Another not so homey experience eating out alone would be how the restaurant’s owner didn’t want to seat me at a table for customers; she wanted to seat me at her table, a table where her/her employees eat at. Excuse me? I’m not your employee; I am a customer so treat me like one. Just because I’m alone doesn’t mean you can treat me less than. Both places have of course lost business from me since then but my point is, society needs to accept and respect lone eaters.

If it’s not obvious to you by this post’s title, I basically don’t eat out anymore. If I need to purchase food from a restaurant, it’ll always be for to go. I save on tip money AND don’t risk dealing with server nonsense.

What about you, readers? Have you ever been treated differently just because you need a table for one? Feel free to share in the comments below.