Ponderings,  Travel

The Jaded Traveler

Plane in the sky

As of May 13, 2018, I’ve officially become jaded with traveling.

Whatever excitement I’d feel from traveling has disappeared. It’s like I no longer have a desire to travel. When I think of traveling, I now just think “whatever”. It’s like I don’t really care anymore.

I think my latest trip has helped put an end (or pause, perhaps?) to whatever travel bug I had sitting inside of me. Whether this is a good thing or not, I don’t know. One good thing out of it at least is that I won’t be spending money on travel any time soon. This means that I’ll be able to save money towards something more meaningful.

I know, I know. Travel is supposed to be something meaningful but that’s what “everyone” says and to me, it’s just not all that meaningful anymore.

I believe I once wanted to see the world in order to be one with the world or something along those lines. But times have changed and with it, people have changed. Back when I was younger, the people I encountered on my so-called travels were warmer, more genuine and friendly. These days, I don’t know.

I’ve come to ask myself what have I been in search of during my travels. Is it kindness? A sense of belonging? What is it? I really don’t know.

All I know at this point in my life is that I don’t really care for traveling anymore. I really don’t.