Ponderings,  Travel

That country. Again?

I bought a plane ticket. Immediately after purchasing the ticket, I asked myself a bunch of questions. Questions like, “What was I thinking?” and “Was once not enough?” came pounding at me.

It was almost as if I was experiencing buyer’s remorse except worse.

Worse in that this ticket will lead to a place heavy with xenophobia, racism, discrimination and a bunch of other things.

Knowing this, WHY did I buy the ticket?

Was it because I didn’t get to see all that I wanted to see the first time around?

Was it because the ticket was too good of a deal to pass up on?

I really don’t know.

What I do know is that a part of me wanted to give this country another try.

Although I intend on keeping my expectations relatively low, I do hope my experiences this time around will be a much better one.