
Online Shopping Abroad

One night, while I was in Japan, I had this sudden urge to do some online window shopping. I had been wanting to buy a sweater or two but couldn’t find any for cheap in Japan and thought for the heck of it, I’d check out how prices were faring in the states. Uniqlo was a store I decided to check out.

Of course, things are to be different when you’re in a different country, right? Different language. Different culture. Different style and so on.

What I didn’t expect to be different for some reason, though was the website. I was taken aback yet pleasantly surprised to see how different Uniqlo’s website looked like. Interestingly enough, it didn’t dawn on me from the getgo that Uniqlo’s website, while in Japan would of course be different from the Uniqlo website catered to US consumers.

In the end, I couldn’t shop because I couldn’t access the site for US consumers. I suppose this was a good thing, though because I didn’t really need anything and I had accomplished my original goal of finding out how much clothing costed online in Japan.

The best thing that came out of my online window shopping experience was encountering this attractive model. If I couldn’t get anything, I could at least get some eye candy, right? :p

Netizens, do your thing and find me his name, IG, marital stats and so forth. Now! (LOL JK)