
Famous and Loved in Okinawa

Kyushu RailwayKyushu Railway

A long time ago, I wrote about how I must have a doppelganger in Fukuoka. But then I went to Okinawa and learned that I must have a doppelganger in Okinawa, too. Conclusion: It is confirmed that I have a doppelganger or two in Kyushu.

While Okinawa is a part of Kyushu, some might argue that it’s not really a part of Japan. This is simply because Okinawa wasn’t always a part of Japan. And if you were to dig deeper, you’d come to learn that many Japanese natives don’t consider Okinawans as Japanese and the same probably applies vice versa. Despite it being a part of Kyushu, it’s not exactly easy to get from the southernmost tip of Kagoshima to Okinawa. You really need to either fly into Okinawa or get there by sea. No shinkansen to Okinawa from main island Japan, folks!

So, I obviously was a bit taken aback to learn that I had a doppelganger here in Okinawa, too. Okinawa may be in Kyushu but it isn’t anywhere near Fukuoka.

Because of this, I’m thinking this doppelganger is totally different from the one in Fukuoka. And distance aside, I’m pretty sure this is the case based on the type of people that “know” my doppelganger.

In Fukuoka, the attention came from adults. In Okinawa, the attention came from children. Yes, you read that correctly: children.

It dawned on me that my doppelganger in Okinawa was most likely an English teacher (or assistant language teacher). And if my assumption is correct, she probably has moved back to the states or elsewhere. Furthermore, I think it’s safe to assume that this English teacher (or ALT) is from Hawaii, with a bunch of laid back vibes. I would love to meet whoever this person is simply because she seems to be well loved by these kids.

One night, I was taking a different route to the place I was staying at. I didn’t understand why the streets looked busier than usual and why yatais (food stalls) had been set up here and there. I was really confused, only to learn a lot later that it happened to be a Japanese holiday. What got me even more confused was when I heard an excited voice saying, “It’s her!” It was a male child and yes, he had spoken in perfect English.

I was like wtf. I know I had been “backpacking” around and knew it was possible to be seen by someone more than once, but this comment caught me off guard and I wasn’t sure if this remark was for me or for someone else. It was for me. I saw an adult look at me, who I assume was with this kid. I can’t recall if I saw the kid but I believe the kid, along with another kid(s) may have been sitting with this adult man, behind a curtained portion of the yatai seating booth. From the voice, I could tell the kid had been very happy to see me, the me that wasn’t who he thought I was since I wasn’t my doppelganger.

If I hadn’t experienced harassment in Okinawa early on in my trip, I may have been more open to reciprocating the attention. But because of the harassment, I couldn’t help but to be extra wary of everything and everyone, even if I had no reason to be wary. It was a kid for goodness sakes! But then again, the kid was with a man so technically I had a reason to be wary. Furthermore, as a solo traveler, I didn’t want unnecessary attention from nearby people. The environment may have seemed jovial and friendly, but I couldn’t help but to be on edge thanks to that harassment incident.

Sorry kiddo!

On a bus ride, a male kid looked at me practically nonstop with so much emotion on his face. The best way to describe it is kind of like how a pet that has imprinted on you decides to look at you from afar. In other words, he was looking at me with so much love and adoration. Unfortunately, I don’t know this kid. It was my first time in Okinawa after all. Regardless, I appreciated being looked at with so much warmth and kindness but also know that it probably was meant for someone that looked like me aka the doppelganger.

Naminoue BeachNaminoue Beach

At the beach, I encountered a group of kids. While they didn’t make it so obvious, I could tell they were looking at me more than just once or twice. The group was a mixture of girls and boys and similar to the two male kids, they were looking at me with warmth, love and excitement. I was too tired to think much of it then but I realized later that this affection was most likely meant for the doppelganger yet again.

While I’m glad to have been looked at with so much warmth and affection by these kids, I know the reactions weren’t exactly meant for me. Even if it may have been meant for the doppelganger, I know without a doubt that Okinawa has warmer people than main island Japan. I feel bad that I couldn’t reciprocate back to these kiddos who were filled with so much excitement to see “me” and hope they came to the realization that I wasn’t who they thought I was.