Nature,  Travel

The Children’s Garden

The last two blog posts have been about the Huntington Library. Can you guess what today’s blog post is about? Yup, it’s about the Huntington Library again. This time, I’ll only be talking about the Children’s Garden.

The Children’s Garden is kind of secluded away from everything else. It’s there but if you don’t look for it carefully, you might just miss it. And I suppose that’s ok should you feel too old to visit a garden meant for kids. The thing is that there’s no need to feel too old since the Children’s Garden is open to everyone. Keep in mind that where children are, their parents (adults) are most likely going to be there as well.

This garden is amazing. It’s a garden I would have enjoyed and cherished as a young one. But even as an adult, I couldn’t help but to find it amazing enough to explore. Of course, since it’s meant for children, there are some places you may have trouble exploring as an adult. Some of the entrances, stairs and “tunnels” are clearly made for the height of children. There was no way for me to go through a “tunnel” but I appreciated the beauty of the “tunnel” and was happy to see so many kids having fun with these spaces that were clearly made just for them.

It’s definitely a place where children can unleash their imaginations and roam around, thinking that they’re in a totally different world.

While I wouldn’t describe this place to be an Alice in Wonderland type of place, it certainly did give off that type of vibe and I loved it. If I had to bring a child somewhere to have endless hours of fun, I think this might be the place to go. The best part about this garden is that they didn’t forget about the adults that might be here. There are places for adults to sit and watch while the children they bring along go wild in the grounds of the garden.

Everyone’s welcome here. Yes, even those that come to the Huntington Library without children. Of course, it might feel a bit strange for some people (ex. men) to hang out for too long without children of their own however the Children’s Garden is still worth a visit since it’s a part of the Huntington Library and it resembles a magical place. I actually did see men hanging about in a not so busy area of the garden, chatting away and I think they felt comfortable to do that since their conversation couldn’t be easily overheard thanks to children being children.

My favorite part of this garden would have to be the misting areas. Initially, I thought the misting mechanisms were in place to water vegetation in the area but it turns out it’s for the children’s enjoyment. A child was literally going bonkers over the “rain”. It of course wasn’t truly raining but in the misting area, it definitely seemed that way. As mentioned earlier, the Children’s Garden is a great place for children to unleash their imaginations.

For a better idea of the Children’s Garden, watch my video of my time there!