
  • Travel

    Takeshita Street

    I’m sorry but I don’t understand the thrill of Takeshita Street. It’s just a walkway with bubble gum pink shops and bubble gum pink eateries. Nothing extraordinary here but at the same time, I can see how it can appeal to people, especially young people.

  • Nature,  Travel


    Having been to a number of East Asian gardens, Fukushuen or Fuzhou Garden of Naha, Okinawa appeared less impressive to me than it actually was.

  • Ponderings,  Travel

    Traveling during COVID19

    If someone were to tell you that they will be traveling, how would you feel? As for me, I have mixed feelings toward those that travel when COVID19 is still very much in the air and has yet to be eradicated.

  • Ponderings,  Travel

    Why I Hate Hotels

    I don’t like hotels. In fact, I think I hate hotels. Sure, I’ve never had the opportunity to stay at the Ritz Carlton or even The Four Seasons but I have a funny feeling that even if I had such an opportunity, my feelings toward hotels would remain unchanged.

  • Travel

    The Cat with Okinawan Vibes

    Not far from Naminoue Shrine is a park called Asahigaoka Park. It was at this park that I encountered a gorgeous cat. He seemed so at home in this park. So peaceful. So warm. And so chill.