
  • Nature,  Travel

    Conquering Culver City Stairs

    View at Culver City Stairs

    I came to Culver City Stairs (actually called Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook by non-Angelenos) for the very first time and I conquered those darn stairs.For hardcore workout people/hikers, what I just said up there may seem like a bad joke. After all, the Culver City Stairs contains only 300 steps.

  • Travel

    WiFi in Thailand

    Just because you’re used to free WiFi in the states doesn’t mean you can expect the same when in Thailand. Free WiFi at a McDonald’s? In America? Yes! In Thailand? Not exactly.

    In Thailand, you need to purchase something (ie. food) in order to access the WiFi for free. I suppose the WiFi isn’t free if you have to purchase something in order to access it. Upon purchasing that something, be it a beverage or a meal, you’ll receive a receipt that contains an access code to the restaurant’s WiFi. It’s a rather lengthy access code, by the way.

    I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking it’s not a big deal to spend a buck or two in order to access the restaurant’s WiFi for a good three hours or so. Not so fast, you smart aleck, you! As with almost all things in life, there’s a catch. And the catch here is that you can only access the WiFi for a good thirty minutes or so. Once that thirty minutes is up, it’s time to buy another drink in order to obtain a new access code to continue accessing the restaurant’s WiFi.

    I’m not sure if this is the case in Bangkok, but this certainly was the case for me in Ayutthaya. Perhaps, you’ll have it better when you visit Thailand. Or if you’re like me and can do without being online almost 24/7, you’ll be fine. 🙂

    If this post got you a little antsy, admit that you’ve been spoiled rotten in America with “uninterrupted” free WiFi access from McDonald’s (and Starbucks)! 😉