Restricting Myself from Traveling Abroad
With travel out of the question due to the many hassles, expenses and uncertainties revolving around COVID, I do my best to not think about venturing off to Asia again. And when my mind does go astray, I ask myself if I would even be happy if I were somewhere else right now?
Snaking around Shuri Castle
The first time I went to Shuri Castle, I was exhausted. While Yui Rail has a stop at Shuri Station, it’s not in front of Shuri Castle. You need to walk a bit from the stop. I thought I had it all figured out until I had to hike.
My Airbnb Experience in Japan
When airbnb first came to play in Japan, it wasn’t yet legit. I say this because while airbnbs existed, most weren’t legal. And if they somehow met the standards to be legal, most were looked down upon by Japanese natives.
Iwatayama Monkey Park
There is an attraction in Kyoto, not far from the famed bridge that people flock to. It’s somewhat touristy but not all that touristy, either. I say this because you have to actually walk quite a distance before you can get to Arashiyama’s Iwatayama Monkey Park. And once here, you’ll see that there are less tourists around compared to the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove or any other popular Kyoto destination.
What I Didn’t Buy in Okinawa
What comes to mind when Okinawa is brought up? Is it beaches? Hot weather? Island life? Or shisas? I bet it’s all of the above with an emphasis on the shisas. I say this because you can not be in Okinawa without encountering shisas. What are shisas? They’re basically cute “lion dog” statues that come in a variety of sizes. Some are huge; others are tiny. And the tiny ones make great gifts for yourself and others. So, did yours truly buy one?