• Travel

    Traveling without Deodorant

    You can be the greatest packer in the world yet somehow forget to bring that one body essential along with you on a trip: deodorant. How can you forget deodorant, you ask? Let’s just say it can happen. Even when it’s packed, you might find yourself in need of new deodorant if your deodorant fails to function the way it should once in a different environment. So, if you find yourself in need of deodorant but the country you’re in doesn’t sell the deodorant you need or worse, doesn’t even have it in stock, this blog post is for you.

  • Nature

    Purple Flowers

    Sometimes, it’s the small things that bring joy to you. It catches you offguard and brings a smile to you.

    On a day I went for a walk, I encountered beautiful purple flowers. It’s Spring, yet not really Spring. With Summer about to enter yet the weather being nice and cool that day, it was certainly an interesting day.

  • Travel

    Online Shopping Abroad

    One night, while I was in Japan, I had this sudden urge to do some online window shopping. I had been wanting to buy a sweater or two but couldn’t find any for cheap in Japan and thought for the heck of it, I’d check out how prices were faring in the states. Uniqlo was a store I decided to check out.

  • Ponderings

    The Allure of a Japanese Spouse

    In honor of Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d write a post about love. Now, before you get too excited (or upset, even), I just want to say that I was inspired to blog about this upon seeing a specific visiting trend to my site. Can you guess what that trend is? Hint: It has to do with love and it has to do with Japanese people. Curious? Read on.

  • Event

    Tet Festival Flashback

    In honor of the approaching Lunar New Year, I am blogging about Tet. Back in 2018, I had the opportunity to attend Tet Festival, which was held in Costa Mesa. It’s an event that happens annually, however I wouldn’t be surprised if the event isn’t held this year per COVID. Since I never got the chance to share about my experience with the festival, I’m doing it today!