Moonlight Forest
Spending money to attend Moonlight Forest at the Los Angeles County Arboretum was so worth it. Having been to the Los Angeles County Arboretum before, it was quite the experience to see the grounds transformed into something else. If you think you’ll be able to catch glimpses of the grounds during Moonlight Forest, think again. The most you will be able to catch a glimpse of is the somewhat eerie yet beautiful Victorian home when viewing the dragon from afar.
Festival of Trees
While attending the Festival of Lights, I was fortunate enough to run into the Festival of Trees, which was being held inside the Riverside Convention Center. The event was open to the public and free.
Riverside’s Festival of Lights
I’ve been wanting to go to Riverside’s Festival of Lights for a long time now and I finally did it this year. Yay, but whatever. I say whatever because things didn’t start on time and that rubbed me and a bunch of festival attendees in the wrong way.
Tokyo Disney Sea
If there’s anything that Disneyland visitors can agree on, it’s the fact that Disneyland is expensive. Do not even get me started on how pricey it is to go to Disneyland in California. A one day admission ticket is like more than $100! That is insanity, people and it explains why I haven’t set foot onto Anaheim’s Disneyland in a long, long time.
So, in Japan, I was able to justify visiting Tokyo Disney Sea. Justified because we don’t have a Disney Sea here in the states and justified because the admission fee is a bit lower than California’s admission fee. (I think it was approximately $80 and that to me is a big difference.)
Bizarre Japan
The West has a bad habit of making Japan appear bizarre. And I get it. It’s because Japan is quite different from the West.
Different language(s). Different food(s). Different custom(s).
But when you really think about it, no one country is ever more bizarre than the other simply because every country is bizarre. It all comes down to one’s perspective. For example, Americans wouldn’t find Canada to be all that bizarre and vice versa, right?
So, what is bizarre about Japan? I don’t know for sure but allow me to share my bizarre encounters in Japan.