• Nature,  Travel

    Peacocks, Lizards and Coyotes, oh my!

    It’s been a while since I last posted something travel related. (Although I’ve been posting, most of the posts fall into a different category.) So, I’m hoping today’s post will be a bit of a treat!

    Not long ago, I had the opportunity to visit the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden in Arcadia, CA.

    It was at this arboretum that I encountered my two firsts. My first first: seeing a peacock in real life as well as hearing it speak for the first time. Second first: encountering a coyote alone. Yes, I really did encounter a coyote… More on it in a bit.

    So, it’s safe to say this arboretum is known for its peacocks. These birds are beautiful but they’re loud.