• Nature,  Travel

    To Miyajima Island

    People come to Miyajima Island for its floating tori. It’s a tori that thrills people simply because you can actually walk to the tori when the tide is down. The thing is, Miyajima Island is home to more than just Itsukushima Shrine’s tori. There’s quite a number of things you can see and do by foot here. As always, I didn’t get to do and see everything I wanted to while I was on this island but here’s what I encountered while on the grounds of Miyajima Island.

  • Travel

    Tokyo Disney Sea

    If there’s anything that Disneyland visitors can agree on, it’s the fact that Disneyland is expensive. Do not even get me started on how pricey it is to go to Disneyland in California. A one day admission ticket is like more than $100! That is insanity, people and it explains why I haven’t set foot onto Anaheim’s Disneyland in a long, long time.

    So, in Japan, I was able to justify visiting Tokyo Disney Sea. Justified because we don’t have a Disney Sea here in the states and justified because the admission fee is a bit lower than California’s admission fee. (I think it was approximately $80 and that to me is a big difference.)