• Nature,  Travel

    Descanso Gardens

    I had plans to go to Descanso Gardens. I just hadn’t planned on going the day I decided to go. I had on the wrong outfit. (How very LA of me to say such a thing! Lol) Honestly, I could care less how I looked, but my outfit’s material was soaking up every ounce of that sun’s warmth! It was unbearably hot for me. Fortunately, with Descanso Gardens being in La Canana Flintridge, by the mountains, it was a lot cooler, making my outfit appropriate overall.

  • Nature,  Travel


    Having been to a number of East Asian gardens, Fukushuen or Fuzhou Garden of Naha, Okinawa appeared less impressive to me than it actually was.

  • Nature,  Travel

    Peacocks, Lizards and Coyotes, oh my!

    It’s been a while since I last posted something travel related. (Although I’ve been posting, most of the posts fall into a different category.) So, I’m hoping today’s post will be a bit of a treat!

    Not long ago, I had the opportunity to visit the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden in Arcadia, CA.

    It was at this arboretum that I encountered my two firsts. My first first: seeing a peacock in real life as well as hearing it speak for the first time. Second first: encountering a coyote alone. Yes, I really did encounter a coyote… More on it in a bit.

    So, it’s safe to say this arboretum is known for its peacocks. These birds are beautiful but they’re loud.