• Nature,  Travel

    To Miyajima Island

    People come to Miyajima Island for its floating tori. It’s a tori that thrills people simply because you can actually walk to the tori when the tide is down. The thing is, Miyajima Island is home to more than just Itsukushima Shrine’s tori. There’s quite a number of things you can see and do by foot here. As always, I didn’t get to do and see everything I wanted to while I was on this island but here’s what I encountered while on the grounds of Miyajima Island.

  • Food,  Travel

    Quick Eats in Japan

    First time visitors to Japan seem to marvel at the country’s many vending machines and convenience stores. While I don’t think I ever got excited over their vending machines and convenience stores, I appreciated their existence. If you’re anything like me when you travel, when you’re on the go, you just want to grab something, pay for it and be done with it.

  • Food,  Travel

    Dining at Suimui in Okinawa

    When I first went to Japan, I never bothered to eat inside a restaurant. I was scared of ordering. I was scared of dealing with cigarette smoke. I was scared of eating wrong, etiquette-wise. I was also scared that whatever I ordered would be non vegan, let alone vegetarian friendly. So, I never bothered to dine in Japan.