Keeping Mosquitoes at Bay
What kept me from traveling at times was a fear of mosquitoes. It wasn’t an unfounded fear since I’d really get eaten by them. Hawaii. Thailand. Okinawa, even. But really, Hawaii and Thailand was something.
When Traveling, Stay Away from Freebies
I like freebies but sometimes, I just have to turn my nose on a freebie. In the traveling world, there’s almost no such thing as free but once in a while you will actually come across free. And it is at that point in life that you decide if free is worth it because not every freebie is worth your time, energy, safety and sanity, even.
Traveling without Deodorant
You can be the greatest packer in the world yet somehow forget to bring that one body essential along with you on a trip: deodorant. How can you forget deodorant, you ask? Let’s just say it can happen. Even when it’s packed, you might find yourself in need of new deodorant if your deodorant fails to function the way it should once in a different environment. So, if you find yourself in need of deodorant but the country you’re in doesn’t sell the deodorant you need or worse, doesn’t even have it in stock, this blog post is for you.