Nature,  Travel

Conquering Culver City Stairs

View at Culver City Stairs

I came to Culver City Stairs (actually called Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook by non-Angelenos) for the very first time and I conquered those darn stairs.For hardcore workout people/hikers, what I just said up there may seem like a bad joke. After all, the Culver City Stairs contains only 300 steps.

That’s nothing compared to the 3,922 steps that Hawaii’s “Stairway to Heaven” has. Regardless, it was a major accomplishment to me because I haven’t hit the gym since who knows when and I haven’t exactly been exercising, if at all. To make matters worse, I haven’t been eating well and my balloon (or belly fat) just keeps growing in size from eating “food” that isn’t food.

On my drive towards Hetzler Road on Jefferson, I caught sight of the stairs and asked myself, “What did I get myself involved in?” It was actually a co-worker of mine who brought the stairs to my attention and invited me to conquer these stairs with her. Unlike her, I had never been to the stairs before and was clueless as to what the stairs would involve. All I can say is that I was in for a shocker alright. The funny thing, however is that my co-worker said I was fit and actually more fit than her… (Well, thank you for boosting my self-esteem, gal!)

The good thing about these stairs is that rest points exist and there are moments here and there where you can “cheat” should you want to cheat. By cheating, I mean walking adjacent to the stairs instead of on the stairs. I did that for a bit and got chastised by my co-worker. (lol)

Culver City Stairs

There’s an “Are we there yet?” type of vibe the stairs give you in that you think you’ve reached the top of the stairs when you’ve only reached a rest point. When I finally reached the top of the stairs, my eyes couldn’t help but to scan for more stairs. I kid you not! (lol)

The view on top of Culver City Stairs was nice, but surprisingly wasn’t a big deal for me.  (I think the bigger deal to me was having climbed all those steps.)

Another View from Culver City Stairs

Should you be interested in conquering the stairs, keep in mind to bring water and sunblock (dependent on the weather forecast) with you.  As for parking, free parking is very limited so it is best to just park along Jefferson, where as of date, the meter will charge you $0.25 per hour.