
  • Art,  Event,  Spirituality,  Travel

    The Cave Temples of Dunhuang

    There’s a place I’d like to see in real life if I could. It’s known as the cave temples of Dunhuang. Located in northwestern China, I’ve heard it’s a bit difficult to get to but well worth the difficulty. For now, I’m content with coming as close as I can to experiencing the caves of Dunhuang.

  • Art,  Travel

    Art on Naha’s Kokusai Dori

    Today’s blog post is going to be different from my usual posts. It’s going to be a photoblog post of the random art I had encountered while on Kokusai Dori in Naha, Okinawa. My thoughts or captions accompanying the photos will be brief for the most part. Let’s start, shall we?

  • Art,  Event

    Moonlight Forest

    Spending money to attend Moonlight Forest at the Los Angeles County Arboretum was so worth it. Having been to the Los Angeles County Arboretum before, it was quite the experience to see the grounds transformed into something else. If you think you’ll be able to catch glimpses of the grounds during Moonlight Forest, think again. The most you will be able to catch a glimpse of is the somewhat eerie yet beautiful Victorian home when viewing the dragon from afar.

  • Art,  Event

    Festival of Trees

    While attending the Festival of Lights, I was fortunate enough to run into the Festival of Trees, which was being held inside the Riverside Convention Center. The event was open to the public and free.

  • Art,  Event,  Food

    Chinatown: Golden Dragon Parade and Frank Romero’s Art

    Los Angeles Chinatown

    Los Angeles’ Chinatown had it’s 118th annual golden dragon parade on February 4th. I had the opportunity to attend it for the first time and all I can say is that it was okay.

    ​For the parade to be the 118th one, I was expecting something a little more spectacular but it really was just ok.It didn’t help much either that the parade didn’t start on time. In a way, this was a good thing since it gave me time to purchase food and find an ideal spot to view the parade.