
  • Ponderings,  Travel

    Eye Candy in Fukuoka

    If there was a place in Japan that showed me some form of “love”, it was Fukuoka.

    Sure, I haven’t been all over Japan but I think it’s safe to say that Fukuoka has the most good looking guys out of ALL of Japan. (If you want to prove me wrong, I welcome you to do so!)

  • Nature,  Travel

    Vancouver’s Waterfront Renaissance Trail

    If I had to make a choice between Oregon and Washington, I’d choose to live in Washington, hands down.

    I say this because Washington (Vancouver, specifically) seemed more open and friendly with people of color. Oregon (think Portland) on the other hand was not so tolerant of people of color and it was pretty obvious. (You basically could just see it in the looks that locals give you. Not cool, I tell you.)

  • Ponderings,  Travel

    That country. Again?

    I bought a plane ticket. Immediately after purchasing the ticket, I asked myself a bunch of questions. Questions like, “What was I thinking?” and “Was once not enough?” came pounding at me.

    It was almost as if I was experiencing buyer’s remorse except worse.

    Worse in that this ticket will lead to a place heavy with xenophobia, racism, discrimination and a bunch of other things.

    Knowing this, WHY did I buy the ticket?

    Was it because I didn’t get to see all that I wanted to see the first time around?

    Was it because the ticket was too good of a deal to pass up on?

    I really don’t know.

    What I do know is that a part of me wanted to give this country another try.

    Although I intend on keeping my expectations relatively low, I do hope my experiences this time around will be a much better one.

  • Event,  Food,  Reviews,  Travel

    Portland Saturday Market

    I did not plan on visiting Portland’s Saturday Market. Somehow it just happened and I’m glad I visited it.

    I say this because Portland does not have good food. And it doesn’t help much either that their not so good food isn’t cheap either. Not too sure what Portlanders’ standards are when it comes to good food but it doesn’t seem all that high especially when it comes to taste and authenticity.

  • Travel

    Kameyama Shachu

    I adore Nagasaki’s signs that are in Japanese, Korean, English and Chinese. Because I couldn’t read Japanese back when I first visited Japan, I found Korean, in addition to English to be quite helpful. (Things made a lot of sense to me whenever I read something written in Korean that didn’t have an actual meaning in Korean. And for that, I’m thankful I was able to read Korean.) These signs I liked so much led me to temples and eventually to the site of the former Kameyama Shachu.