• Nature

    Hidden Beauty at the South Coast Botanic Garden

    Floral and fauna

    I’ve always wondered why people bother with having an annual membership at a garden but here, at the South Coast Botanic Garden, it makes sense. You have the place to yourself when it’s not busy. And even when it’s busy, there’s ample space around as well as the option to come back another time for “free”. You don’t have to rush and each time you visit, you can easily catch sight of things you hadn’t noticed before.

  • Art,  Event,  Nature

    Finding Cirque du Soleil Eggs from OVO

    It’s about to officially be summer but prior to that happening, I want to blog about my experience with finding eggs. I know what you’re thinking but this blog post isn’t about Easter. It’s actually about Cirque du Soleil’s eggs at the South Coast Botanic Garden.