Why Japan isn’t ready for the Olympics
Coronavirus aside, Japan isn’t ready for the Olympics. Sure, Japan has hosted the Olympics before but that was back in the 90’s. The 90’s were a time when people didn’t invest in traveling so much. It was also a time when barely anyone had the internet (super slow, btw) so they were limited in what they could learn about a country. They were restricted in learning about what they could do/see and needed to rely on travel agencies. Visiting Japan in those days, especially for the Olympics was truly for the privileged.
That country. Again?
I bought a plane ticket. Immediately after purchasing the ticket, I asked myself a bunch of questions. Questions like, “What was I thinking?” and “Was once not enough?” came pounding at me.
It was almost as if I was experiencing buyer’s remorse except worse.
Worse in that this ticket will lead to a place heavy with xenophobia, racism, discrimination and a bunch of other things.
Knowing this, WHY did I buy the ticket?
Was it because I didn’t get to see all that I wanted to see the first time around?
Was it because the ticket was too good of a deal to pass up on?
I really don’t know.
What I do know is that a part of me wanted to give this country another try.
Although I intend on keeping my expectations relatively low, I do hope my experiences this time around will be a much better one.
Overrated Nikko
Of all the places I was looking forward to visit in Japan, it was Tochigi’s Nikko. I was drawn to Nikko due to my images of nature and its many world heritage sites.
Unfortunately, Nikko couldn’t meet my expectations (whatever they were) and left me with much bitter disappointment. A part of the negative experience could very well in part be due to my travel companion being a major pain since the morning of the trip. She was just bitchy AF and for the life of me, I could not comprehend why especially when she didn’t do any of the planning for this trip. (I kid you not unless you want to call a calendar showcasing our departure and arrival date as planning… Begin the eye rolling, folks.)
The Jaded Traveler
As of May 13, 2018, I’ve officially become jaded with traveling.
Whatever excitement I’d feel from traveling has disappeared. It’s like I no longer have a desire to travel. When I think of traveling, I now just think “whatever”. It’s like I don’t really care anymore.
What I Don’t Miss About Japan
Vegetarian options at Tokyo Disney Sea Lack of Vegetarian Food 🥕
You can live off of convenience store onigiris but you can’t live off of them for too long. Besides, the likelihood of your onigiri being available at all times is slim. (I managed to survive off of seasoned seaweed onigiris, inari sushi and junk, like fries.) Vegetarianism is a joke in Japan but I knew that before coming to the land of the rising sun and somehow made it work for me despite going hungry here and there during my trip.