• Ponderings,  Travel

    That country. Again?

    I bought a plane ticket. Immediately after purchasing the ticket, I asked myself a bunch of questions. Questions like, “What was I thinking?” and “Was once not enough?” came pounding at me.

    It was almost as if I was experiencing buyer’s remorse except worse.

    Worse in that this ticket will lead to a place heavy with xenophobia, racism, discrimination and a bunch of other things.

    Knowing this, WHY did I buy the ticket?

    Was it because I didn’t get to see all that I wanted to see the first time around?

    Was it because the ticket was too good of a deal to pass up on?

    I really don’t know.

    What I do know is that a part of me wanted to give this country another try.

    Although I intend on keeping my expectations relatively low, I do hope my experiences this time around will be a much better one.

  • Ponderings,  Travel

    The Jaded Traveler

    Plane in the sky

    As of May 13, 2018, I’ve officially become jaded with traveling.

    Whatever excitement I’d feel from traveling has disappeared. It’s like I no longer have a desire to travel. When I think of traveling, I now just think “whatever”. It’s like I don’t really care anymore.

  • Food,  Ponderings

    For To Go, please

    Beansprouts and Thai Tea

    I don’t know about you but I’m not too crazy about eating out.

    The costs associated with eating out is one thing but worse than cost(s) is this pathetic societal expectation that one must never eat out alone.

  • Ponderings,  Travel

    A Fleeting Encounter at the Niomon Gate

    Niomon Gate, pathway to Mount Misen

    Whenever I’m abroad, I always get amused at how we, as people can encounter so many people (strangers) only to see them once. It’s strange how the world works, isn’t it? When I was in Japan, this amusement (or amazement rather) seemed to heighten since there was hardly ever a day that I didn’t hang out on a train filled with people I didn’t know.